Early, growth-stage and pivoting new ventures needing experienced leadership and execution on a fractional, cost-effective basis.

Our approach is simple and flexible.

Collaborating with stakeholders we define and execute against only the minimal and critical priorities in each of four key business drivers;

People, Plan, Process and Performance

The “4 P’s” is a simple, but effective tool to evaluate the status of an organization, where it is prioritizing its efforts and capital, but most importantly, where it is not placing emphasis, but needs to. It is applied by asking the right questions of stakeholders in each of the 4 P’s, brainstorming and developing a needs and initiatives focused plan. This plan can take different forms depending on the circumstances, e.g. the business currently has no business/strategic plan and the preference of the leadership team.

We expect to develop a plan within 90 days, start iterative execution during this period and thereafter on a more robust and steadier basis. We have experience delivering substantive and planned results within 60-90 days. Alternatively, it can take this long to hire fixed and full-time employees that will still require time to ramp up to full contribution.

As plan execution proceeds and measurable success is achieved, we support defining and hiring needed full-time or contract personnel based on preferable timing, optimal an operating model and available capital. As internal staffing capabilities increase, we migrate our role to part-time, oversight or a complete exit.

We have various fee options:

  • General Business Implementation: Services are charged on a monthly retained basis, typically with a 90-day minimum commitment. Rates depend on EA time allocation, the number and EA personnel deployed.

  • Defined Project: Specific services, time and outcomes are pre-defined and fees are fixed for the period.

  • Customer Commitments: Services specifically related to securing customer project commitments whether as a part of General Business Implementation or alone may be charged through a combination of retained service fees and revenue success fees.

  • Equity: In certain instances we will consider equity in lieu of service fees in part or in whole.